Reopening business post COVID? Storage Stockport can help you rework on your workspace
Getting back to business after the pandemic is one of the biggest challenges that businesses around the world are currently facing. Top management across the businesses are gearing up for their employees getting back to the workspace while minimizing the risk. Reopening involves measures and efforts more than a return to normal. Businesses around the world are getting creative in designing their office space, restaurants, clothing stores whilst keeping in mind the social distancing rules and safety measures they have to follow.
Why a self storage unit?
Although a storage unit may not seem like an essential part of doing business, it can be an invaluable tool for business owners to space out the workspace to follow some of the mandatory government guidelines. You can click here to check what the employers need to do to keep their people safe. Please note that this guidance is only for businesses that are allowed to open in England.
How Storage Stockport can help you?
Create some space:
The first and most obvious reason is that we help you clear out the strapped space in your workspace. Businesses now have to rearrange the seating areas, guest areas, make room for queues to follow the 2 metres rule or 1 metre with risk mitigation. This setting can help you streamline your operations by just keeping everyday necessities on hand.
Storage Stockport is a purpose-built storage facility hence we ensure that it is as safe as possible. We take care of your stock just the way you would do. We have high-security fence, Ram raid barriers, Red care alarm systems, 300+ CCTV cameras on-site to monitor your belongings and ensure they are safe and secure.
Cheapest Price:
We understand that there is a lot of competition in the Stockport area and it can be difficult finding the best deals for self storage. At Storage Stockport it is quite simple, we make it easy for you by guaranteeing to be the cheapest storage price in the whole of Stockport. In addition to our flat rate prices already being incredibly cheap we also offer several deals and promotions to make us even cheaper:
Free Collection and Dispatch:
We offer our customers a free collection and removal service so that they can move in with ease. With this service, you do not have to worry about getting your stock to the site.
So, open up your business with confidence at Storage Stockport:
At Storage Stockport, we understand that no two customers are the same. For that reason, we always go above and beyond to accommodate the needs of our customers. This includes tailor-made packages and deals to suit your needs. To find out how our expert team of storage advisers can help you get in touch with Storage Stockport now.