A self storage unit has a lot of space and possibilities if it is organise properly. By organising, we mean keeping stuff in a way that space is utilized fully. People often rent storage units but don’t know how to keep things in a way that makes the most of the space they are paying for. Moreover, people most regularly place tools, curtains, and stuff that they don’t use on a usual basis in self storage units. Making things organised helps to save customers from the hassle of not having enough space and allows them to keep things easily accessible without any mess.  In this article we are going to take a look at how our customers, both new and old, can make the most out of the space they are paying for and store their items in an organised and concise mannor.

Put The Things You Use Least At The Back

Make sure that the things you need the least are put at the back of your storage unit as these items will be the hardest to access. You need to consider which items are in your frequent use such as a ladders, toolboxes, baby prams and other items you may use on a regular basis. These belongings should be at the entrance of your storage unit meaning you don’t have to make an extra effort to pull out all of your other stored goods just to access them when you need to. Secondly, this technique will save you time too as everything is in front of your sight meaning you won’t need to actively look to find what you are after. We ask our customers not to keep any hazerdous goods in their storage unit and avoid any perishable items that might impact ont he safety and wellbeing of your items in storage as well as the facility at large, this forms part of our contract with all of our customers. To find out what the right sized storage unit is for your needs why not check out our storage size estimator or give us a call

Place Smaller Items Into Cardboard Boxes

There are some things which you might not use on daily basis but they are important for you such as personal documents, seasonal clothes etc. There are a few things that you cannot place directly in the storage unit due to their small size, these might get misplaced especially in larger storage units. Try to place such things in plastic containers and bags. Moreover, place a sticky note or label on them so you can easily identify the contents at a glance. Doing this will help to ensure you remember which containers has your desired belongings in them. Also, try to use the same size card boxes such as medium, large or small boxes, this helps make it easier to stack your goods inside your unti. Make separate boxes for everything such as a gardening tools, office documents, decorational items, etc. To help our customers we provide an unlimited supply of free packing boxes to each and every one of our customers. 

Rent storage unit according to your need

Make sure that the storage unit has enough capacity that it can keep all your belongings, at storage Stockport we have a team of dedicated storage advisors on hand to help advise you on the best unit to match your needs. For us the most important thing is helping you get the best unit possible, this means having enough space to store your belongings but not paying for excess space you won’t be using. Self storage comes in different sizes for the convenience of customers so they don’t have to pay extra for the space they aren’t using and this provides our customers with the ability to up-size and down-size their units as and when they need to. 

Find Your Perfect Storage Unit in Stockport

We hope this article has given you some ideas about how you can make the most out of your time in self storage. To find out about how you can start storing for the cheapest prices in stockport why not get in touch with our team today? Our Stockport Storage Facility is open 7 days a week so no matter when you need us we are here. Our facility offers a range of additional extras such as unlimited free packing boxes, 50% off your first 9 weeks, free van rental, insurance and our site is monitored 24/7 by over 300CCTV cameras. To take advantage of all of this and more head over to our contact page today.